Kevin M Glover
A multiple award-winning screenwriter, Kevin M. Glover is perhaps best-known as the producer of the cult classic features DINOSAUR VALLEY GIRLS and VENUS FLYTRAP. But his interest in writing began way back in grade school, with crudely drawn stories emulating the gruesome B&W horror comic mags popular at the time.
Advancing to more sophisticated TV and movie spec scripts, Kevin moved to Hollywood to further his screenwriting career. Serving as the head administrator of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films, he soon got the opportunity to write scripts for several award shows and live events.This led to co-writing and independently producing a pilot for an early Sci-Fi/Horror video magazine, SCIENCE FICTION PLUS! He also wrote two Film Advisory Board award-winning kid-vids: ABRA-KID-DABRA and MOTHER GOOSE WORKOUT.
After producing his first feature, VENUS FLYTRAP, Kevin found considerable acclaim for his next project, the LGBT vampire rom-com, LOVE BITES, which he wrote and produced. He followed this success with a series of direct-to-video indie features and special interest videos he produced and often co-wrote, including a TWILIGHT ZONE themed industrial safety video.
For nearly a decade Kevin headed Aries Post/Aries Productions, a boutique editing/production facility. During this time he partnered with best-selling author Don Glut to form Frontline Entertainment. Their first film was DINOSAUR VALLEY GIRLS starring Karen Black and William (BLACULA) Marshall. The success of this film led to their production of the direct-to-video erotic horror thrillers MUMMY'S KISS and EROTIC RITES OF COUNTESS DRACULA. In partnership with others, he also co-wrote and co-produced SISTERHOOD OF THE SHEWOLF.
Taking a break from production for a while, in 2011 Kevin returned to his first love, screenwriting. His horror/western hybrid OUTLAW BLOOD has won multiple awards, and he continues to write more award-winning scripts, both alone and with others.
Recently branching out into comic book and prose writing, Kevin’s first two short stories, the campy sci-fi tale “SPACE BIMBOS” and the Nazi horror action yarn “INGLORIOUS ZOMBIES” were both published in anthologies in 2014. His third short, “THREE DEAD LITTLE PIGGIES” as well as his scary parody comic book story “CREATURE FROM THE BACKLOT LAGOON” will be published later this year.